Smart Board Activities in French

by n/a

French-language resource

11 activities for large or small groups to promote oral communication in an interactive whiteboard format. Compatible with Smart Board and Promethean.

French-language resource

Complete list of activities 


Jeu des marmottes — Parle-moi de ça!
Touch a groundhog to uncover a discussion topic and talk about it for one minute.

Jeu des marmottes — Je me présente… 
Touch a groundhog to uncover a wild animal found in Canada. Present facts about this animal while taking on this animal’s identity. 


Des grimaces en masse 1 
Find the antonym pairs. Antonymsangélique/diabolique; calme/agité; excité/tranquille; stupide/intelligent; patient/impatient; content/fâché; triste/joyeux; encouragé/découragé; optimiste/pessimiste; agressif/doux

Des grimaces en masse 2 
Find the antonym pairs. Antonyms — blasé/surpris; inquiet/confiant; arrogant/humble; frivole/sérieux; innocent/coupable; fatigué/éveillé; réfléchi/dissipé; inoffensif/dangereux; paisible/violent; heureux/malheureux

Des grimaces en masse 3 
Find the antonym pairs. Antonymsniais/espiègle; blasé/émerveillé; soucieux/insouciant; amoureux/indifférent; craintif/audacieux; placide/coléreux; sérieux/enjoué; assuré/piteux; jovial/maussade; effrayé/serein


Ça roule, les mots! 
Find the greatest number of words starting with the letter that appears on the screen and that correspond to the indicated category.

Ça roule, les phrases!
Complete the unfinished sentence that appears on the wheel.

Ça roule, la conversation! 
Participate in different types of conversations, as suggested by the wheel.


L’Étoile, la lune, le soleil 
Find ten stars, eight moons and five suns by making sentences conjugated in the past tense with the auxiliary être ("to be").

The 15 game boards are:

  • aller
  • sortir
  • partir
  • tomber
  • passer
  • naître
  • retourner
  • venir
  • arriver
  • entrer
  • rester
  • pronominal 1
  • pronominal 2
  • pronominal 3
  • pronominal 4


Deviner la sequence
Find the hidden sequence by making sentences and conjugating verbs.

The following categories are included:

  • Verbs in the present tense
  • Verbs in the infinitive
  • Verbs in the past tense
  • Idiomatic expressions 1
  • Idiomatic expressions 2
SKU: JeuxTBI-1