ISBN: 978-1-897328-06-4
French-language resource
Les Compagnons: mini teacher's guides
Each mini-magazine comes with its own teacher’s guide, which contains 12 pages of suggestions to:
- develop reading skills – Lisons!
- develop identity and appreciate cultural diversity – Discutons!
- improve oral language skills — Jouons!
French-language resource
Kanata : je suis ici guides are a versatile resource, with options to help teachers create a customized learning plan for students:
- reading activities that can be adapted to different levels of language proficiency
- games aimed at improving oral French
- informative texts that make specialized language from Social Studies or French programs easier to understand.
All of the games featured in the Compagnons guides aimed at oral language proficiency have handouts and coloured game cards that the teacher can print out and laminate to use as interactive learning experiences with students (see Appendices).
"Reflective oral" and oral learning
The Lisons! and Discutons! sections of the Compagnons guides contain activities that relate to the reflective oral language practice. We use language to:
- express our thoughts
- acquire new information.
But to express our thoughts, we need to know how to communicate effectively. Many students no longer have French language models in their environment, which is why oral language needs to be taught at school in the same way as written language. The Jouons! section has games aimed at teaching and enhancing oral language skills. Students learn to choose the correct word and construct clear statements. Each communication game contains:
- 1-2 language functions
- 1-2 grammatical notions.
The Compagnon provides teachers with clear, concise and dynamic facilitation instructions for each game.