Lire et écrire avec Paul et Suzanne - Teacher's Guide


French-language resource

This 225-page guide to go with the Paul et Suzanne - Un modèle de francisation and Le petit monde de Paul et Suzanne kits is a comprehensive tool for teaching reading and writing. Lire et écrire was written by Lucille Maurice in response to requests from teachers who were using the Paul et Suzanne tools in their classrooms. Ms. Maurice co-authored the Paul et Suzanne : un modèle de francisation kit and has over 50 years of experience as a literacy educator, researcher and teacher trainer across Canada.

ISBN: 978-1-897328-85-9

The Guide contains information on:

program objectives

children – language, cognitive development and the emergence of writing

writing environment - assessment, reading strategies, developing writing concepts, phonological awareness

reading cues - semantic, lexical, syntactical, morphological, graphic-phonemic

learning and teaching strategies - the language experience, big books as educational tools, schematization of texts, reading problems and teaching suggestions

the components of a reading and writing program

modeling – one-on-one conferences, special projects, assessment

individual and shared reading - the home-school connection, teacher interventions during reading, reading strategies

thematic units - features and unit choices

bibliography (175 titles).


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